Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Filet Mignon, Pepper Crusted Filet Mignon with Horseradish Cream

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and Day 28 of cooking from THE BEST OF COOKING LIGHT so I decided to make a romantic dinner for my hubby and myself. I have always thought a good steak was a nice hearty, high end meat to enjoy for a special dinner so I decided to make Filet Mignon, which I often make for a romantic dinner for us.

There are 3 filet mignon recipes in this cookbook so I showed them to my hubby and let him choose which one he wanted, and he chose the Pepper-Crusted Filet Mignon with Horseradish Cream. All 3 sounded delicious to me, but I love horseradish cream with prime rib, so thought it must be good with filet mignon also, though I've never had it with this particular cut of meat. Here's what we thought of it...


I have made Filet Mignon numerous times in the past and have always struggled with them coming out very rare. I knew I would need to cook these a bit longer as the cut of meat I got was larger than the recipe called for. The recipe calls for the mean being about 4-ounces each, and these were about 8-ounces each (one a little bigger than the other), and are supposed to be about 3/4-inch thick, and these were at least 1-inch thick. I kept a close eye on them and cooked them a couple minutes longer on each side than directed. The larger one came out perfectly for my hubby, and the smaller one I probably should have removed about a minute or so sooner. It was still pretty pink all the way through, but not "red" at all, like Filet Mignon should be.

The simple flavors of the salt and pepper crust, and the last minute addition of garlic were delightful. I really liked using coarse salt and pepper for these. And we both really liked the horseradish cream sauce that went along with it.

Delicious, quick and easy to make. I would definitely make this recipe again.

52 recipes down, 495 more to go.

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