Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Caesar Potato Salad, Chicken with Rosemary Sauce

Today completes my first week of cooking from THE BEST OF COOKING LIGHT. I made a Caesar Potato Salad and Chicken with Rosemary Sauce tonight. Here's our thoughts on these dishes...

CAESAR POTATO SALAD, robust flavors!

The dressing in this salad was really strong, and a bit too much of it for my liking. I think if I had marinated the potatoes in it longer (I only had about 1/2 hour of marinading time) the dressing may have been able to absorb a little more into the potatoes and not been so strong, and so much of it, on the actual salad. I would have also liked more lettuce in the salad. I added a little more than what the recipe called for, but would have liked even more. I think shredded Parmesan cheese would also be better than the shaved pieces. It was good, but could have been a little milder. Maybe next time I'd add a little less anchovy paste (yes, you read right... anchovy paste, which is what makes it "Caesar", it has 1 tsp. in the recipe), and a little less balsamic vinegar as well might have toned the flavors down a little bit.

CHICKEN WITH ROSEMARY SAUCE, also good, and worthy of making again...

This recipe was pretty easy to make. It seemed a little on the salty side, but maybe I sprinkled a little too much salt on the chicken breasts before I cooked them. The chicken also took about twice as long to cook as the recipe said, and the sauce cooked down too much. I added an extra tablespoon of chicken broth at the end to bring some of the sauce back, which may have also accounted for the slightly salty flavor, even though it was low sodium chicken broth.

Brian liked both of these recipes. He agreed the chicken was a little too salty, but he liked the flavors, and it was his suggestion to cut down on the balsamic vinegar and the anchovy paste next time, a good suggestion I think I'll try.

16 recipes down, 531 more to go.

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