Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Champagne Feta Risotto, Artichoke Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Today was day two of cooking from my "THE BEST OF COOKING LIGHT" cookbook. Today I made two recipes, a Champagne Feta Risotto, and Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Artichokes, Lemon and Goat Cheese.

The picture is not very flattering, and the white risotto, and white chicken on the white plate doesn't do a whole lot for contrast either. I actually added parsley and lemon just for a little color on the plate. Here's the synopsis of these dishes...

This was my first time cooking risotto. I've seen this cooked on cooking shows a lot and have wanted to try it, so this was a great opportunity. We're not big on champagne around here and don't drink it, but I used it in the recipe as directed and we loved the flavor it added to the risotto. You boil it down until the liquid is absorbed, so all you end up with is the flavor. I needed to add more liquid though because when the rice was still crunchy a bit when the liquid was absorbed. We live at 7,500 feet and altitude can wreak havoc on recipes sometimes, and I usually do have to add extra liquid to rice when I cook it, and it was the same in this case. I tasted the risotto while it was cooking and throughout the process and found that I liked it a little better without the feta in it. Overall, it was delicious and we both decided we love risotto! This recipe is a keeper, I may skip the feta next time, however.

CHICKEN BREASTS STUFFED WITH ARTICHOKES, LEMON, AND GOAT CHEESE, good flavor, but they were overcooked and a little dry...

I've never been good at the whole pounding the chicken out, stuffing it and rolling it up thing. They usually turn out to be a mess and I have a hard time getting them to look pretty once they're rolled up, and tucking in the edges so nothing comes out... forget it! I think I used too much stuffing, but I did the amount according to the directions. Maybe a little less stuffing next time. Also, according to the directions you're supposed to cook the chicken in a hot pan on the stove for 3 minutes on each side, then put the whole pan in the oven and bake them for an additional 15 minutes. I think that 10-12 minutes would have been better, and turning them over halfway through is highly advisable as the side of the chicken that was down was very over cooked on the edge and tough to cut through the edge. The flavors, however, were good. Brian liked them and I thought they were just "ok". Not sure I'd make this one again.

I was going to make a dessert tonight as well, but it's been a long, busy day and I'm pooped. After this I'm off to bed, and it's only 8:35 pm! Will make a dessert tomorrow (I hope)...

Au Revoir!

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