Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cilantro Rice with Chicken

Today was day 29 of cooking from THE BEST OF COOKING LIGHT. I made Cilantro Rice with Chicken. Here's our review of this dish...


My hubby and I have different opinions on this dish. I liked it, and he didn't like it very much. For him, it was ok, but not something he'd want to eat again. For me, I liked it quite a bit, thought it wasn't necessarily a "favorite".

I liked the flavor of the cilantro in the rice, hubby thought it was a little too much, which is something that can easily be altered and cut back on. Hubby also didn't like the starchiness of the rice, he thought it was too mushy. The rice was not mushy, per se, if anything, it was slightly on the crunchy side. Because we live at high altitude (7,500 feet) I always have to add extra liquid to my rice and let it cook longer, which I did in this recipe, but it probably needed just a little bit more liquid and maybe an additional 5 more minutes of cooking time.

I can see how my hubby would think it was mushy. After the rice and chicken are done baking you add the cilantro sauce to the rice and it probably did make it a little more starchy, or "mochi" as I put it. He thought it was pretty much one big glob of starch and didn't care for it a whole lot. He did like the flavors, however, but the cilantro was slightly more than what he would have liked.

So, as you can see, we are of different opinions. But hey, everyone does have different taste buds, right? It's ok if we don't agree on everything.

So, bottom line, would I make this again? Yes if if were just for me, no if my hubby's eating as well.

55 recipes down, 492 more to go.

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