Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 30 of cooking from The Best of Cooking Light

Today was day 30 of cooking from THE BEST OF COOKING LIGHT, and I made 3 dishes from this cookbook, which you can find out about by clicking on the links below...

For the past couple of weeks I have been overrun by my family to stop cooking from this cookbook and pick a different cookbook. Since I have literally, hundreds of cookbooks, my daughter suggested that since I'm "The Cookbook Blogger" I should switch up cooking from a variety of cookbooks and change things up. I think after today's meal I am finally convinced.

In the sleeve of this cookbook it says:

Guaranteed Success
"You're guaranteed success with every recipe! Each recipe has been tested at least twice, often three or four times, in the Cooking Light Test Kitchens to ensure that not only are they supremely healthy, tasty, and easy to prepare, but that they also have the all-important "yum factor".

I told my husband this and after eating tonight's dinner he sarcastically said "the yum factor", NOT in a flattering way. And again asked me to find another cookbook to cook from.

Not that all the dishes in the cookbook are bad, far from it. Of the 58 recipes I've prepared out of this cookbook, there are only 2 dishes that I truly disliked. However, only a few recipes were delicious and had that "yum factor", and the rest have been just ok and mediocre.

And, many of the recipes are not easy to prepare. Some are, some are not. It often takes me 2 hours or more to get a dinner prepared.

I have hung in there for over a month, and have tried 58 recipes out of this cookbook, and I, too, am ready to retire this cookbook (for the time being) and delve into some of my other cookbooks and bring some variety, and better dishes, hopefully, to the table .

I am not sure which cookbook I'll move on to next, but I'll peruse through my cookbooks this week and come back with some fresh new dishes next week, from some other cookbooks.

From the Best of Cooking Light...
58 recipes down, 489 more to go, we'll see how many I get through over the next several years

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